Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Recruiters  frequently ask me “why am I not successful?” and I tell them this career path is about many process driven activities, it is about passion, planning, perseverance and a lot of dedication to beginning with the end in mind.  What it is not is 9-5. While trying to convey this to one recruiter we mapped his day out and we found some scary practices which I have seen duplicated in the past by so many others. So I had an epiphany and I thought I would share some thoughts with you.  I have been a recruiter and I have supervised recruiters and I have seen the things that cause many recruiters and sales people to be unsuccessful.

There are approximately 260 working days in a year and approximately 22 working days in the average month.  Yes, 12x22=264 but the difference is a holiday here and there.  OK, now, let’s look at working days lost over a period of a year.

1.     Two weeks’ vacation is 10 days lost.
2.     Three personal days is 3 days lost
3.     Average sick days = 6 days a year.
4.     15 minute break in morning and afternoon is 16.25 days lost.
5.     For some of you, ….. 6-8 breaks ( i.e.: smoking, wandering)  a day this is over 60 days lost
6.     One 30 minute errand a week is 3.25 days lost.
7.     15 minutes before lunch and 15 minutes after lunch (whether you leave the office or not) is 16.25 days lost.
8.     Family emergencies and special events average 6 days a year.
9.     15 minutes late to work once a week is 1.62 working days.
10.  Personal calls, business and general ineffectiveness of 30 minutes a day is 16.25 days gone.
11.  First 30 minutes of the day in hellos, coffee and office gossip is 16.25 days lost.

If we add up these times, it amounts to 94.87 days to 154.87 days lost a year because of these habits.  So if we subtract 94.87 days form 260 we have roughly 165 days left.  Divide that by 22 and there are only 7.5 months that we even have available for work. And if you are in the group that takes 6-8 breaks daily you only have 105 days to sell out of a year or divide that by 22 and you only have 4.77 months to sell OUT OF A YEAR

Now, if we are ineffective during that 7.5 months (unenthusiastic presentations, no daily plans, not selling hard, calling dial-a-prayer) then we can see that many of us are producing our year’s volume in less than four months’ time.

WOW, can you believe these numbers?  I could not until I did the math.

Some of us do not exhibit all the traits listed and some of us have even more.  The idea is to understand the compounding effect that any these habits have on our yearly performance.

Now let’s do some simple math, with simple numbers….. Let’s say you are producing 10k monthly and you do that with the dramatic example the 6-8 break person @ 4.77 months worked:
Today with current habits in one year you are averaging 10K monthly only REALLY working 5 months out of the year, producing $120,000.  You would have an addition 6-7 months of production you could add to your production/income equaling an additional $70,000 in production/increase.   At 40%commission that’s an extra $28,000 in your wallet. 

If you are a headhunter, you average 15K monthly over the course of a year with the non-productive behaviors under the above math or scenario in 5 months producing $180,000 but with extra focus you gain an extra $105,000 in production and your income goes up another $42,000 at a 40% commission.

So what do you think… no matter you can see we all waste some daily valuable time and effort, can we reduce this… heck yes!  

"The unexamined life is not worth living." – Socrates

As a leader what does this quote mean to you? And why should I care?
First you care because as a leader you must continually examine where you are and where you are leading yourself and others.
My opinion is that Socrates means is if a person is not open for others to question his or her thoughts and action, or lives in denial of the motivations that prompt his or her thoughts and action, then it is a waste of his or her life. Such a life is a superficial act, revealing nothing new, nothing unique. Such a life is not "real." Socrates also suggests that, in addition to the above response, the "unexamined life" refers to a life whose purpose has never been questioned; a life that has never been analyzed, inquired into or inspected; a life that has not been appreciated beyond face value. By suggesting this, Socrates gives praise to questions such as, "Is there more to reality than that which we can see and touch?;" "Am I living my life according to my own rules, or the rules set for me by others?;"